Project Scope:
2.1 Site Mobilization and Establishment:
Haif is responsible for mobilizing resources and constructing the necessary facilities to facilitate efficient project implementation. This includes the establishment of construction offices, storage areas, security precautions, temporary roads, and any necessary temporary infrastructure.
2.2 Site Clearance:
Remove any buildings, fences, structures, abandoned pipes, and other obstructions that are not intended to remain on the site.
2.3 Vegetation Management:
Monitor the vegetation on the site in accordance with the biodiversity conservation strategy.
2.4 Implementation of Settlement Design Plan:
Implementation of Settlement Design Plans to achieve the required transformation of the site, including the construction of ponds and wadi channels.
2.5 Demolition and Removal:
Carefully demolish and remove any structures or foundations within the settlement areas.
2.6 Management of Material Disposal:
Cooperate with the competent authorities to dispose of unwanted materials from the site.
Summary of quantities:
- General excavation: 4,983,969 m3
- Trimming of excavated surfaces: 4,346,803 m2
- Disposal of excavated materials: 996,794 m3
- Screening and processing of excavated materials: 4,983,969 m3
- Packaging: 3,987,175 m3