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MOH Hospitals Contract Signed

عرض جميع الأخبار
13 يناير، 2014م MOH Hospitals Contract Signed

Establishment and Development of the infrastructure of King Fahad & Aseer Hospital.

The Ministry of Health Signed contract with Haif Company for the Establishment and Development of the infrastructure of Aseer Hospital Central in ABHA at a cost of SR 185,575,234, and the Establishment and Development of infrastructure for the King Fahd Hospital in JAZAN at a cost of SR 117,188,664.

The Minister of Health, Dr. Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al-Rabiah yesterday signed 30 contracts for health projects in a number of regions of the Kingdom at a cost of more than four billion riyals to improve the quality of health services and the provision of health care to the citizens, and an investment for the support enjoyed by the health sector from the presence of the Government of the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz. And the Minister of Health thanks to the Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques and the Crown Prince and the Second Deputy Premier for their continued support for health services, valuing this support, which embodies the leadership's keenness to preserve the health and safety of the people of the Kingdom and the provision of health care to them.

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